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Old management style, old beliefs but young people and bright minds, how do those things fit together? I believe sometimes they just don’t .

Thinking on how one day i want to build my own company i will just keep in mind what is really important, and i hope you will do the same.

Let’s focus more on results, let’s value people at work for the value they are able to produce and not on other silly reasons that nowadays are actually a good reason to fire employees, as facebook and chats and websites.

I care about the results you bring on the table and on work delivered on time…. then if you want to work in your swimming pool, drinking tequila chatting with your friend i don’t care!

Enjoy the talk!


Listen to the music

dance with the wind

feel the rain on your skin

close your eyes


open them


what matters

books, people, learning

Sometimes it happens to have good conversations out of the blue, with people you barely know in situations in which you are expected to do and behave in a completely different way! Isn’t it great?

I ask myself why that happens and I believe it is not something just casual, everything happen for a reason, is the energy we create that attracts it.

There are people that just connect very fast and with whom you can talk for hours without feeling the time passing, and people with whom you just don’t want to spend more than 10 minutes, sitting around a table and not having anything interesting to talk about.

Maybe it’s a bit nerd, but I believe we should spend our time having conversations that matters, and in proportion with other silly ones, those should be more, I would say, at least 75% of them.

Some people learn from books, they read a lot of them, some other learn from others, from the world, by talking and discussing, sharing, living their life as an adventure, having experiences, being brave.

I believe books are important, you should definitely take time to learn from them, but books are written by people, people are the base of everything.

Take time to connect and get to know others.

Of course you won’t like everyone, you should build your environment made of people who have a positive attitude in fact, and not just by saying. Build your network, grow it, nurture it and you will learn more than from any book.

Small things

I believe we create the conditions to our happiness or unhappiness, too often I hear people complaining about how things go wrong in their life, how much they hate their jobs, how much they would like to have more money, how much they would like to live somewhere else, and the same people don’t do anything to change their situation, they stay in their job, in their city, in their relationships.

It is too easy to blame external factors, but that will never make the problem solved. It is time to act, you don’t like something? Change it, be brave, happiness lies in the pursuit of your dream, in the effort of making something come true. Have the courage to live fully, don’t sit down looking at your days flying away, they will never come back again.

Every breath you take it is lost forever, use it.

Many people relate their happiness with money, some even relate their loneliness with money.

Again I believe we create the conditions to our happiness, all the rest are just excuses.

small present for you, click on the image to download

I was watching this movie tonight and i got inspired by one sentence a minor character said, in a way to push one of the protagonist to fight for what he wanted. This guy was giving up on something because he said “i’m not that courageous, I’m not that kind of guy”, and his friend told him “but this is not what you want to be, this is just who you think you are”.

What is the drive in our action? when we think we can’t do something we want, and we hide behind the excuse of “this is not in my personality”, “this is not me”, “I can’t do that”, “I wish i was that kind of person”…

well, who’s stopping you from beiong who you want to be?

Society and people we know, people we love and that love us, they all put a mask on our face, they build an image of us, they assign us a personality that is not necessarily our real one, and this happen because sometimes we don’t really act 100% ourself, for thousands of different reasons: to be polite, to please someone and many others… and that’s the result, we start believing we can’t do some things, that we are not that brave, that we are not that kind of guy/girl we so much envy and that can do what we wish we could.

well here’s the tip, that “I can’t” is nothing real, it is just in our mind, it is a silly excuse to live an ordinary life we most likely want to change.
It is for sure easier to just say “i’m not able” than try and failed.

I personally believe that that’s the best way to slowly die, to stop really living.

I tried and failed many times, sometimes success comes along as well, but if i look back i’m happy i fell couple of times, because that is actually what makes me smile now, happy of where/who i am and ready to change, experience,try,fail,succed, smile and cry.

I live every day as who I am, as the kind person I want to be, truly me, that you like it or not 🙂

If you read this give yourself a gift, 24 hours of acting as yourself, do not think of what someone else might think about you, of what they might say, do what you like, say what you think, be yourself, be brave.

definitely worth watching!